We specialise in Solar PV, Battery Storage Systems, Electric Vehicle Charging, Solar PV Hot Water Controllers.
We are dedicated to providing our customers with Green Energy and saving them on Electrical Costs. You can see from the graph below as 6kW solar PV system with 9.5kWH battery system we installed in Yapton, in peak sun the house is using no electricity from the Grid, The battery has been fully charged (blue) from the PV Generation and this will be used overnight with the PV has stopped generating. This customers bills have dropped by some 80% a month.

JG Electrical Services Ltd provides a range of solar panels to meet the specific needs of your home, store, office or complex.
Between our team of technicians & engineers we have over 100 years of experience in the electrical industry, this includes over 30 years in renewable energy. Whether you need a quote for a small domestic property with a 3.68kW G98 system or a large three phase 100+kW system under G99/G100 then we can design and install the system best for your usage and budget.
All work is carried out by qualified, experienced professionals to the highest standards.
We have a specialist website dedicated to our Solar PV, EV Charging and Battery Systems so please head over to JG Solar to take a further look.